Tuesday 10 January 2012


"BBC News - China Condemns Decision by Google to Lift Censorship." BBC News - Home. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8582233.stm.

Clay Calvert. Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender: Culture Society History, Vol. 1, 2007.

"EDITORIAL: Spotlight on China's censorship." Japan Times [Tokyo, Japan] 10 Apr. 2010. Global Issues In Context. Web. 23 Nov. 2011.

Edward Wong. International Herald Tribune, Jan 7, 2012. Reading Level (Lexile):1290

Einhorn, ByBruce. "In China, Google Declares War on Censorship - BusinessWeek." Businessweek - Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice. Web. 25 Dec. 2011. <http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/jan2010/gb20100113_124533.htm>.

"Google to End Censorship in China over Cyber Attacks | Technology | The Guardian." Latest News, Sport and Comment from the Guardian | The Guardian. Web. 20 Dec. 2011. http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/jan/12/google-china-ends-censorship.

"Internet Censorship in China - Breaking World Internet Censorship News - The New York Times." Times Topics - The New York Times. 10 Jan. 2012. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. <http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/news/international/countriesandterritories/china/internet_censorship/index.html>.

Liu, Melinda. "China: What protests?" Newsweek International 14 Feb. 2011. Global Issues In Context. Web. 23 Nov. 2011.

Mirsky, Jonathan. "China's tyranny has the best hi-tech help; Censoring the Internet." International Herald Tribune 16 Jan. 2006: 6. Global Issues In Context. Web. 23 Nov. 2011.
"China ramps up online censorship." Hill 14 Nov. 2011: 12. Global Issues In Context. Web. 10 Jan. 2012

Critical Reflection B

I personally don’t like computers.
1. We don’t speak the same language
2. They’re moody and temperamental
3. They are distracting from the task at hand.

Although they are great for research, they probably hinder my learning more then help. But I don’t think this project was just about my learning. I’m leaving this blog up. Even when im no longer posting, it will still be here. This information is important. It should be talked about. And maybe one day some one will stumble across it. And that person will be motivated to also bring awareness to this issue. So although I’ve found this project difficult and hard to commit too, I have my voice preserved in a million little pixels floating in some big web. And that’s pretty cool.

As we move into a world where technology runs our society, we must not forget about humanity. I think I’ve been able to share that with you over this blog. This blog remains an honest voice of a girl who just likes hearing the truth. So now it’s your turn. I’m done. Either pass the blog on or go back to facebook. Just do me a favor, remember blogs are personal. Although you can’t see me, you know something huge about me. Take the risk and go use your voice. Let some one know you. Never censor yourself. Otherwise I’ve wasted my time talking to you. Don’t let yourself be put in China’s shoes. As soon as you stop speaking up, some one will speak for you.

Critical Reflection A

Originally I wasn’t going to talk about censorship. I was going to pick something I already new everything about. That way I could save myself some research time. I’m glad I ended up taking the harder path.

Censorship has always fascinated me; mainly because I'm not good at it. I come across as over-assertive and at times, to blunt. Although my intentions are never to offend anyone, I just can’t hide myself. Apparently I’m an open book. My mom constantly reminds that honesty is not always the best policy. I however, disagree. After about reading why censorship occurs on a global scale, I began to compare it to my home life. My parents censor themselves to protect me, my school believes there are things I shouldn’t know, and my peers want to be accepted. While these are all valid interests, I can’t shake the feeling of what it means to have your integrity. And from this I've learned that to be truly admirable, respected and accepted; you must be honest to others as well as yourself. China’s censorship is much like what I see happening all around me, just in a lighter tone.

People fear that others will turn on them if they don’t tell them what they want to hear. We become obsessed with people pleasing that we begin to forget. Forget our: morals, ideas and individuality. Censorship is often renamed as a white lie. Apparently “sometimes you have to hide your opinion so you don’t hurt anyone’s feelings”. Maybe I’m bitter, maybe I’m broken. For the life of me, I can’t conceal what I feel or think. I think that’s why I choose this topic. To help spread the idea of speaking freely. So take what you want from this blog. It’s just as much yours as it is mine. I know that I’ve left understanding myself better; I’m a girl who doesn’t like to people please. As far as censorship a global issue goes, well I’ve learned that we all share the same problems, just in different variations.

So I leave you with this: censorship is avoidable. We have the right to demand honesty. So go outside and tell some one the truth. Be a voice against censorship. All you have to do is use YOUR voice.

Monday 9 January 2012

Tiananmen Square

June 4th 1989 Beijing, China

Pro-democracy protests were on the rise. On an international level, communist parties feared that it was to lose its popularity. Students gathered in Tiananmen Square to share their grievances over inflation, limited career prospects for and corruption of the CPC. The protesters were advocating for political and economical reform as well as freedom of the press. The protest actually began in April of 89 after the passing of a respected governmental official, Communist Party General Secretary Hu Yaobang. It was violently broken up by government forces; the military had remained uninvolved until the gathering of June the 4th.
"Tank man" - BBC News

This act brutality led to mass criticism around the world. During the government's attempts to subdue the protesters, thousands were killed, with estimates ranging from 1,000 to 4,000 people were murdered during the demonstration. The events at Tiananmen shocked and horrified much of the world, and proved to be a major turning point in Chinese history.

What happened in Tiananmen Square pulls on my heart in many ways. There were families that lost these young individuals. They lost their loved ones to a search of power and control. The protesters were asking for their rights to be upheld. Rights that others and myself forget to appreciate. This massacre is the most horrifying and brutal censor put on the Chinese population.

The government did not want the issues being voiced by these students to turn into a public debate. They saw this as a threat to their power and tried to cover it up, censor their voices and purposes.
The gathering on June 4th 1989 - Facts and details.com

Unfortunately, the censor doesn’t stop there. The stories of those protesters go by unknown in China. All traces of this massacre do not appear on any search engine and is never discussed openly. The CPC was put in the hot seat immediately after this event and never wanted to have to remind its people of the human rights violation they performed in order to censor materials working against them.

This is why I made this blog. Increasing honesty and freedom of speech in my opinion is admirable; especially when you take a step back and consider your own mistakes.


I don't think I can write about solutions. I can research this topic until the cows come home, but that doesn't make me qualified to decide on what would be best for the 1.3 billion people living in China. Since I have never confronted China's extreme censorship personally, I find it hard to commit myself to believing in a solution when I cant see the problem with my own eyes. My only suggestion, comes with a long list of pros and cons.

First of all, it is essential that as a nation whom has also signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we must practise as well as enforce all freedom of speech with in the limits of our own country. We cannot preach the importance of freedom of speech if we don't continue to value it and respect it. Canada must not roll over upon the request of the CPC. In 2011, British Columbia was discussing new trade opportunities with China. China had made it clear that when advertising they were not allowed were reference gambling and gay marriage.  This should have been the deal breaker for the federal government, but they continued to explore this new source of economical growth. In order to suggest that China should remove their censorship, we must make it a priority of ours to ensure freedom of speech and expression under Canadian law at all times.

The economy is seen as axis in which the earth turns. The value of our dollar is constantly reminding us of the importance of not breaking our ties with China. Financially, it would be a horrible idea to boycott Chinese products; so why do it? If everyone refused to buy into China's business plans, they would be forced to change. We give power to the economy, not the other way around. China is one of the most valuable trade partners in the world. Loosing one deal may not take any serious tolls, but of all countries backed out they would be required to adapt. The process would be slow and painful, but China would finally be put in the hot seat. Something the economy had made us scared to do.

David Suzuki - Force of Nature - From monsters to economy and money.
Because the declaration is just that, a declaration. There is not legal opportunity to punish those who violate the articles that make up the UDHR. It becomes a sticky situation when other countries begin to judge other leaders decisions on what is best for their people. But oppressing 1.3 billion people is difficult to argue about. We cannot invade China and change their laws for them. What we can do is put economy in the backseat and let human rights drive us in the right direction.

Again, i question the validity of my words. I have no PHD or personal experience. I am one person with an opinion. This is my practise of freedom of speech, this is part of what I can do about censorship. I would love to hear your voice, leave a comment in box and tell me your ideas.